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U2D Aprenia

Discover the most intuitive Social Learning Platform (LXP)


Social-Learning-Platform LXP

The LXP for entrepreneurial know-how transfer


The most intuitive LXP for modern learning

Aprenia summery overview


Open learning cultures

With the intuitive Learning Experience Platform (LXP) Aprenia from U2D, teams are empowered and motivated to independently exchange knowledge in their company.

social learning

The Aprenia LXP represents the framework that is fueled by the community. The focus is on the multiple nucleus approach, supplemented by top-down elements.
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Aprenia Notifications



The LXP promotes the independent exchange of knowledge and unleashes the existing potential for experience in the company.

Broad learning spectrum

The Aprenia LXP supports all common learning formats. An effective and successful exchange of knowledge is thus guaranteed at all times.
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